Don’t we all want to be happy and have ”balance” in our lives? Isn't it what we desire? Don’t we all want to be physically and mentally healthy, have deep and meaningful relationships, be satisfied with work, be the best parents we can? I think it is fair to say, that the answer for most people is Yes! But how can we achieve this? Here is the catch, We need to work at these things, we need to be proactive, and active in ”doing” things to make our life balance happen. It is a process in which we take a closer look at all dimensions of our life, and from there we plan what needs to be done to improve our quality of life. And, that is what Wellness is all about! Let's define Wellness.
What is Wellness?
Wellness is not a state of ˮbeing or happinessˮ, but rather wellness is a process in which an individual consciously and actively engages in activities, lifestyles and decision making that will lead him toward an optimal state of well-being.
And so, Wellness is not static or passive, it is a lifestyle that a person intentionally pursuit for a better quality of life. The person is actively involve in the process of making life in general a better experience.
Two similar concepts: is there a difference between Wellness and Well-being?
You might think that Well-being and Wellness mean pretty much the same thing, but in fact, they are different even though they are somehow interconnected. Well-being focuses on how we feel, on how we perceive our life experience: are you content, satisfied, positive with life, with yourself? Wellness is all the positive steps you take that will lead to a healthier and balanced life.
Benefits of Wellness:
-Reduces stress
-Greater ability to handle life challenges and bounce back
-Healthier relationships
-Optimal life balance
-Good physical health
Wellness includes multiple life dimensions such as: emotional, spiritual, social and physical. All dimensions are interconnected and essential in the pursuit of a fulfilling life.
Emotional Wellness: Awareness and understanding our feelings. The ability to cope effectively with our feelings through life challenges, and to self-regulate.
Spiritual Wellness: Seeking to view and understand life through our faith and values system. Becoming connected with ourselves, body, mind and soul. Experimenting activities that will encourage personal and spiritual growth.
Social Wellness: Connecting with others. Building and nurturing meaningful relationships. Supporting others. Building social networks.
Physical Wellness: Engaging in physical activity and balancing the body needs: sleep, hygiene, and nutrition.
Wellness and its Journey
Life is constantly trying to knock us off balance. Life is busy, life happens and we often find ourselves juggling with family, health, relationships, and work. It is challenging to juggle everything, and remain mentally and physically balanced. Wellness is important because it shows us the way to take, to keep us on track. Wellness is a lifestyle: adopting balance and healthy ways of living in all dimensions of someone’s life. As life goes on and our life circumstances changes, we adapt our wellness process in consequences. As we continue our life journey, we reevaluate our needs, and make decisions accordingly, through the lens of wellness.