Key Signs Anxiety is Getting in Your Way

Key Signs Anxiety is Getting in Your Way

Anxiety is a sneaky adversary. In fact, it can be present in full effect without you even realizing it! You may be experiencing chronic emotional and/or physical issues and be struggling to identify the source. Anxiety is often the cause of such problems but how many of us recognize it as a possible culprit? It disguises itself, disappears and reappears, and refuses to leave.

All of this adds up to anxiety getting in your way. Fortunately, there are key signs you can recognize, monitor and overcome.

What is Anxiety?

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First, let’s define our terms. While everyone gets tense or nervous during stressful times, chronic anxiety is different. An anxiety disorder is a diagnosable condition that can hamper your everyday life and relationships. There are a few variations of this condition, e.g.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Social Anxiety

  • Panic Disorder

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Specific Phobias

Symptoms vary, of course, but some universal physical and emotional signs stand out. For example:


  • Hyper-vigilance

  • Feeling tense, apprehensive, restless, or agitated

  • Imagining the worst-case scenario

  • A chronic sense of worry or dread


  • Digestive irregularities

  • Racing heart-rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, shaky voice or hands

  • Headaches or other unexplained pain

  • Sleep disruptions

All such information (and more) is general your experience may vary. The main idea is that you are not alone if you struggle with anxiety. In addition, there are also less obvious signs that anxiety is wreaking havoc on a daily basis. Let’s explore several below:

7 Key Signs Anxiety is Getting in Your Way

1. You Find Yourself Taking Subtle Measures to Avoid Social Interactions

Do you avoid unfamiliar people, large groups, or social engagements? Are unexpected gatherings inordinately stressful?  Take an honest look at your behavior and assess your reaction when you think about dealing with others. If you are constantly feeling embarrassed or self-conscious, anxiety is likely interfering with your social network and relationships.

2. Replaying Conversations, Interactions, and Decisions  Over and Over

Do you rehash the things you’ve said or done incessantly? Are you constantly second-guessing yourself? Anxiety teaches us to become our own worst critic. This can result in such agonizing and catastrophizing to the point where you lack the confidence to move forward on your own.

3. Hypersensitivity to Noise or Unexpected Sounds

Do you avoid events or places that are noisy? Have you slowly become jumpier and more sensitive to sudden sounds? Pay attention to any overreaction to environmental disturbances that minimize your enjoyment, relaxation or ability to engage others.

4. Changes in Your Plan Rattle You

Do you like to know what’s going to happen, down to the tiniest detail? Perhaps any change is treated as a crisis. Take a close and serious look at your reactions to change. Strong resistance to uncertainty is a hallmark of anxiety and can hold you back significantly.

5. Unexpected Emails, Messages, or Calls Throw You Off

Do you feel like you are always on alert or “on call”? Our technological conveniences can exacerbate this anxious tension. Smartphone notifications, email alerts, and ongoing texts are enough to bother anyone. For the anxious person, the hyperawareness promoted by our devices can be overwhelming.

6. Overplanning

Are you a perfectionist? Do you exasperate others with a need to have everything “just right? In a (futile) attempt to control your environment, you may find you are fixated on making “perfect” plans before you’d even think of moving forward. Anxiety is likely getting in your way if you spend lots of time preparing for even the most mundane tasks.

7. You Feel Anxious About Feeling Anxious

Do you worry about your ability to rein in your fear and distress? Let’s say the above six signs sound familiar and you could easily add a dozen more to the list. This may make you decidedly more uncomfortable and pile on another layer of troubling distraction and concern.

You Are Not Alone

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The above list is incomplete. Many more signs exist just below our daily radar. If you experience such signs, it does not make you uniquely flawed. It makes you human. Many, many people are struggling with anxiety disorders. The commonness of this condition has an upside: A wide range of treatment options has been developed. With intervention, anxiety disorders are highly treatable.  It makes sense to ask for help if anxiety is getting in your way.

Finally, consider committing to regular therapy sessions as a way to explore and manage your distress. With the help of an experienced guide, you can identify patterns and cultivate new approaches. I’m here for you. Please reach out soon for a consultation.

To find more about anxiety treatment, click here.